MPA Extends Further Support to Shipping Industry with 10 Per Cent Port Dues Concession for Bulk Carriers

In view of the current downturn in the shipping industry, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) will grant, with effect from 15 April 2016, a 10 per cent concession on port dues for bulk carriers. This concession will be applicable if the vessels are carrying out cargo works with a port stay of not more than five days and will be in place for one year.
This latest move follows MPA’s announcement in January of an additional 10 per cent concession on port dues granted to container vessels that carry out cargo works with a port stay of not more than five days. The concession was on top of existing port dues concessions such as the Green Port Programme incentives and the 20 per cent concession first introduced in 1996.
Taken together with the existing concessions including those granted to offshore support vessels and container vessels, these concessions are expected to yield S$18 million in savings for shipping companies over one year.
The roll out of these measures demonstrates Singapore’s commitment to helping the maritime sector through this challenging time, and its importance in contributing to our economy and creating good jobs for Singaporeans. MPA will continue to work closely with our industry partners and stakeholders to support the long-term development of Maritime Singapore.
MPA Charity Golf supports ComChest, The Salvation Army – Kids in Play Program & Lighthouse School

MPA organised its first Charity Golf event two years ago in November 2014. The event supported the Care & Share Movement, a national fund-raising and volunteerism movement led by the Community Chest, as Singapore approached 50 years of independence.
This year’s Charity Golf celebrated our 20th anniversary at the Sentosa Golf Course. Contributions raised during the event went towards supporting the Community Chest and our adopted charities: The Salvation Army – Kids in Play Programme (KIP) and Lighthouse School.
KIP is an outreach programme targeted at children whose parent(s) are in prison, with the aim of keeping these families connected. Lighthouse School provides special education to children with visual and hearing impairments, as well as children with autism. Both charities were adopted in 2014 and we remain in support of their missions.
With the generosity of the maritime community, we are pleased to announce that we have collectively raised $182,000 in support of the above-mentioned charities. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who was a part of this effort.
Ships Rescue@Sea

On 15 Jan 2016, Singapore-registered ship FSL TOKYO received a radio call on cVHF 16 from M/V FAST TITAN seeking assistance in the rescue of persons from a raft. The FSL TOKYO approached the vessel and rescued a total of 17 refugees. The refugees had been on the raft for the last 15 days. They were offered food, water and a change of clothes. MPA would like to compliment the officers and crew of FSL TOKYO for their gallant efforts extended in the rescue.

On 29 Feb 2016, the Singapore-registered ship FORUM PACIFIC responded to MRCC NOUMEA and approached the reported location, where 13 shipwrecked crewmembers were found in a lifeboat. All 13 crewmembers were rescued and disembarked at Port Vila. MPA would like to compliment the officers and crew of FORUM PACIFIC for their seamanship and decisive response to the distress call.

On 18 March 2016, Singapore-registered ship HAFNIA ASIA, while on passage from Singapore to Fujairah, responded to a distress call from a vessel. On instruction from MRCC Mumbai, HAFNIA ASIA approached the location and rescued 8 persons from the waters. The survivors were safely disembarked onto an Indian Coast Guard vessel and HAFNIA ASIA was subsequently given clearance to resume its operation. MPA would like to compliment the officers and crew of HAFNIA ASIA for the swift assistance during a critical time of need.
International Bowling Tournament for Seafarers

This year’s 1st International Bowling Tournament for Seafarers was held on 23 March 2016 at West Bowl. The tournament is one of the many programmes and recreational activities that are hosted yearly for seafarers.
This year, the tournament attracted 112 participants from 28 teams, consisting seafarers from 10 different nationalities. Among which, 20 teams formed from 15 ships participated in the ship category and 8 teams formed from 5 different shipyards and maritime organisations participated in the shipyard/maritime organisation and institution category.
Team A from Orkim Inspiration emerged as the winner for the ship category while Sembcorp Marine Tuas Road Yard Team A emerged as winner for the shipyard/ maritime organisation and institution category.
The Tournament Best Bowler went to Mr Edwin Tiento from Kwong Soon Engineering Yard who contested under the shipyard / maritime organisation and institution category.
Chairman of Welfare Committee for Seafarers visits International Drop-in Centres

New chairman of the welfare committee, BG (NS) Ishak Ismail (second from left) visitng Drop-In Centre for seafarers
A special visit and tour to the international Drop-in Centres was organised by the shipping division on 11 March 2016. The tour introduced the new chairman of the welfare committee, BG (NS) Ishak Ismail, to the functions and facilities available in the different Drop-in Centres for seafarers in Singapore.
The tour included visits to the International Drop-in Centre located in various terminals, which include Jurong Port, MTS and PSA Keppel Terminal. Through the visit, the chairman had the opportunity to meet up with management from different terminals and interact with staff working in the drop-in centres to understand how the different facilities met the needs of seafarers from all over the world. The tour also identified areas of work that could be achieved by the welfare committee to improve seafarers’ welfare.
MPA and SEC team up to recognise our Green Maritime Sector

MPA’s Sustainability Office (SO) conducted a series of Sustainability Workshops for the maritime community in Singapore. The first workshop was held last year and the second workshop in the series was held on 29 January 2016 at MPA’s Board Room. The main purpose of the workshop was to inform the maritime community of the inaugural Singapore Environmental Council (SEC) – MPA Singapore Environmental Achievement Award (SEAA) – Maritime Sector. MPA SO arranged for the SEC and their partner, KPMG, to share more about the SEAA (Maritime Sector).
The SEC launched the SEAA in 1997. The SEAA is one of the oldest and most prestigious environmental awards in Singapore and the region, recognising overall environmental stewardship by organisations. The criteria for the SEAA focuses on assessing the leadership displayed by the organisation, the real environmental improvements achieved as well as the ability of the organisation to establish procedures, train staff and innovate to achieve breakthroughs in environmental performance. Companies that are recognised by the SEAA join an elite pool of organisations from the region that have affirmed their commitment to environmental excellence and the protection of the natural environment ( This year marks the first year that MPA sponsored a category specially for the maritime community and we are excited to provide a platform for our maritime partners to be recognised for their sustainability efforts.
The workshop attracted over 20 companies and was attended by managers/executives handling sustainability matters in their respective companies.