Industry-wide Effort to Enhance Safety at Sea
The Safety@Sea Singapore campaign is an industry-wide effort to increase awareness of safe practices and inculcate a safety-first culture at sea.
It was launched by MPA on 31 July 2014 together with representatives from the Association of Regional Ferry Operators (ARFO), Singapore Maritime Employers Federation, Singapore Sailing Federation, Singapore Shipping Association, Singapore Power Boat Association and PSA Marine.
As part of this campaign, MPA works in close collaboration with the maritime community to instill a strong safety culture, enhance communication and information sharing, and improve navigational safety for vessels in the Port of Singapore.
The National Maritime Safety at Sea Council (NMSSC), which serves as an advisory body to MPA on maritime safety matters, also works closely with four MPA-Industry Safety Work Groups to enhance safety at sea for ocean-going vessels, harbour craft, pleasure craft as well as domestic and regional ferries.

National Maritime Safety at Sea Council
Advisory body to MPA on maritime safety matters

International Safety@Sea Awards
Presented by MPA to recognise outstanding contributions

Maritime Safety Resources
Download and access maritime safety-related materials