Foreshore and Marine Development Projects (COMET)

Projects involving foreshore or marine development require approval from the Committee for Marine Projects (COMET).


The following project proposals must be submitted to the Committee for Marine Projects (COMET) of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for consideration:

  1. Construction, installation, extension, additions and alterations of wharves, jetties, piers, slipways, dry docks, graving docks, ramps, fixed platform, bunds, shore protection, retaining walls, breakwaters and outfall/intake structures.
  2. Installation of floating pontoons, floating docks, floating restaurants and accommodation barge.
  3. Marine recreational facilities.
  4. Fish farms.
  5. Residential and other facilities/structures affecting the foreshore areas.
  6. Reclamation works.
  7. Submarine pipelines and cables.
  8. Dredging and dumping works.
  9. Marine Soil Investigation.
  10. Demolition of foreshore/marine structures.
  11. Dumping of dredged materials at sea dumping grounds.
  12. Deployment of instruments on the seabed

When submitting the project proposals to COMET of MPA, the applicants are required to state the following:

  • The purpose of the application.
  • The proposed work period, including the supporting documents from the relevant government authorities.
  • 1 set of plans as follows:
    • Plan to show the proposal, quay line and mooring limit plotted on SVY21 datum (where applicable).
    • The engineering plan is based on the SVY21 datum of the proposal endorsed by a Professional Engineer (Civil) (only applicable to items 1-7 in the Projects section above).
      • All other technical drawings submitted should also be endorsed by a Professional Engineer (Civil).
    • Longitudinal and cross-section profiles of the pipelines and cables (only applicable to item 7 in the Projects section above);
  • For dredging and dumping works and marine soil investigation, you are to comply with the General Guidelines on the Requirements for Application on Dredging and Dumping Works (.pdf, 91 KB);
  • For submarine pipelines and cables, you are to comply with the MPA Guidelines on Requirements for Submarine Pipelines, Cables (.pdf, 81 KB), and
  • To purchase Singaporean Nautical Charts, please click here.

COMET will normally require 3 weeks to process and reply to the applications. The requirements and conditions imposed by MPA will vary depending on each project proposal.

The general requirements for foreshore development projects are as follows:

  • Pre-construction bathymetric and side scan sonar surveys.
  • Post-construction bathymetric and side scan sonar surveys.
  • An as-built topographical survey, if required.
  • The contractor is to liaise with our Port Master’s Department for the promulgation of the Port Marine Notice and other navigational safety matters pertaining to the work. As MPA has to circulate the notice 2 weeks before the commencement of such work, the contractor must submit to MPA details such as working dates/hours, coordinates of the working areas, craft involved, description of work and illustrative plans (A4 size) at least 3 weeks before the commencement of work.

MPA reserves the right to include other requirements and conditions as necessary for each project and the applicant would have to comply with these requirements and conditions.

Please submit your application to:

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
7B Keppel Road #19 Tanjong Pagar Complex
Singapore 089055
Attention to: Secretary (COMET)

Please write to Mr Victor Zhang (Email: or call at Tel: 6325 2412 for any queries.
