Incentives Schemes
Block Transfer Scheme (BTS)
- The BTS gives an 80% discount over the initial registration fee (IRF) to shipowners who register their ships fulfilling the BTS criteria. Under the BTS, the vessel would be registered at the rate of $0.50 per NT subject to a minimum of $1,250 for 2,500 NT and maximum of $20,000 for 40,000 NT.
- The Block Transfer Scheme (BTS) applies to owners registering vessels, within a period of 12 months from the first approval date, subject to satisfying the following criteria:
- 1 ship aggregating at least 40,000 NT
- 2 ships aggregating at least 40,000 NT
- 3 ships aggregating at least 30,000 NT
- 4 ships aggregating at least 20,000 NT
- 5 ships of any aggregating tonnage
- To apply for BTS, owners are required to write in to and complete the Application for BTS (.pdf, 185 KB) form, prior to registering the vessels. Owners should clearly state the total number of vessel, each vessel's net tonnage and the approximate date of registration for each vessel.
Green Ship Programme (GSP)
What is the Green Ship Programme?
The Green Ship Programme encourages Singapore-flagged ships to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
How does it benefit you?
- Qualifying Singapore-flagged ships can enjoy a reduction of Initial Registration Fee (IRF) and a rebate on Annual Tonnage Tax (ATT).
- Ships that exceed the requirements of IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI Phase 3 EEDI by 10% or more will enjoy a 50% reduction on the Initial Registration Fees (IRF) under both normal registration and Block Transfer Scheme (BTS) during the registration of the ship. It will also enjoy a 20% rebate on Annual Tonnage Tax (ATT) payable every year until 31 December 2024.
- Ships that use low-carbon fuels i.e. LNG or fuels with CF (conversion factor between fuel consumption and CO2 emission) lower than LNG as its primary fuel will enjoy 75% reduction on the IRF and 50% rebate on the ATT until 31 December 2024.
- Ships that use zero-carbon fuels (such as ammonia, hydrogen) as its primary fuel will enjoy 100% reduction on the IRF and 100% rebate on the ATT until 31 December 2024.
How do you qualify?
- To qualify for the GSP under the EEDI criterion, the applicant has to submit a copy of the International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC) along with its accompanying supplement as proof that the attained EEDI of the ship exceeds IMO’s EEDI Phase 3 requirements by 10% or more for that particular ship type and size at the time when the above financial incentives are to be applied.
- To qualify for the GSP relating to the use of zero- and low-carbon fuels on Singapore-flagged ships, please submit the International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate with its accompanying supplements as well as the Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate with its accompanying supplements and any other relevant supporting documents.
- Submissions can be made via email to For more details, please refer to Shipping Circular No. 7 of 2022 (.pdf, 237 KB).
Annual Administrative Fee Scheme
- What is the Annual Administrative Fee (AAF) Scheme?
- The AAF scheme provides an alternative payment mode option applicable to all Singapore-registered owners for registration and crewing-related services. With effect from 1 Jan 17, the AAF scheme would be priced on a tiered
fees based on size of ship.
Tier Fees | Size | Price |
Tier 1 | 0 – 299 GT | $120 |
Tier 2 | 300 – 2, 000 GT | $300 |
Tier 3 | Above 2,000 GT | $600 |
- From 1st July 2017, the following enhancements to the AAF scheme is applicable:
- The list of services covered under the AAF scheme will be expanded to include Seafarer Certification Services such as certificates of competency, certificates of proficiency and type rating certificates.
- On top of the enhanced AAF scheme, owners/operators of Singapore-registered tankers can also sign up for the optional Tanker Endorsement Fee (TEF) at an additional flat fee of $120 per ship (irrespective of the ship size) for applications and issuance of tanker endorsements.
- For owners that enrol their ships in the scheme after January of each year, the scheme allows for pro-ration of the fee according to the remaining months in the calendar year, including the month in which the enrolment commences. The tiered fees
remain non-refundable.
- All ships that enrolled into the scheme will no longer be issued with invoices detailing every transaction related to registration, crewing and training-related services covered under this scheme.
- For more details, please refer to Shipping Circular No. 11 of 2017 (.pdf, 133 KB)
- How do you enrol?
- The ships that may enrol in the scheme only applies to existing tonnage in the Singapore Registry of Ships as well as new tonnage to be registered.
- For more details on the Annual Administrative Fee scheme as well as list of applicable services under the scheme, please refer to Shipping Circular No. 11 of 2017 (.pdf, 133 KB). If you are interested to enrol into the scheme, you are to make an application to the SRS by completing the application form (.pdf, 195 KB). Upon successful application, the flat fee will be deducted from the owner or ship manager or ship agent’s account.
- The ships that may enrol in the scheme only applies to existing tonnage in the Singapore Registry of Ships as well as new tonnage to be registered.
Other Schemes
MPA also administers other schemes to the maritime and related companies to grow and develop their business in Singapore.